spilt nut

spilt nut
Техника: раздвижная гайка, разрезная гайка, разъёмная гайка

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "spilt nut" в других словарях:

  • Pregap — The pregap on a Red Book audio CD is the portion of the audio track that precedes index 01 for a given track in the table of contents (TOC). The pregap ( index 00 ) is typically two seconds long and usually, but not always, contains silence.… …   Wikipedia

  • Minor characters in the Blandings stories — The following is an incomplete compendium of the fictional characters featured in the Blandings Castle stories of P. G. Wodehouse, in alphabetical order by surname. Lady Georgiana Alcester One of Lord Emsworth s many sisters, Lady Alcester is… …   Wikipedia

  • Hund — 1. A guate Hund ve laft se nit1 u2 an schlecht n is kua Schad. (Unterinnthal.) – Frommann, VI, 36, 63. 1) Verläuft sich nicht. 2) Und. 2. A klenst n Hund na hengt mer di grössten Prügel ou (an). (Franken.) – Frommann, VI, 317. 3. A muar Hüünjen a …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

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